Sept 26th 2011
Wow - really stoked - just heard today that "icebreaker New Zealand" have offered to sponsor me. www.nz.icebreaker.com - help me get set up for this coming northern hemisphere season.
Awesome, - Mum calls me the icebreaker guy because I have always preferred to wear their gear - also its fun to work out where the product originates from - check out it out. I really like their idea of working with what nature gives us.
Speaking of which - Dad, Grandad and I are off in October to stay at the Mt Nicholas Station for a few days where they will be shearing some of the 27,000 icebreakers merino sheep. My Grandad used to work at Mt Nic when he was young.
Drop into R&R Sport to check out the range of icebreaker they carry. www.rrsport.co.nz
Thanks to everyone helping me to achieve my best - will always try my hardest.
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